Inane ramblings of a bored student and aspiring musician. A running commentary on all forms of culture and daily life. Lover of music, art, fashion, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Views expressed here are my own, and will not be apologised for.

Fortunately, the hat above does not belong to me.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

On the subject of dreams..

What is with them?

I had a series of ridiculously weird dreams last night. I went to bed pretty late, and woke up pretty late because of it. I was cold in bed, I was hungry before I'd woken up, and my dreams were just bizarre.

I can't remember all of them, but one included badly playing the flute. The flute was bending all over the place, I could get a sound out but had no idea what keys to press, and it ended up breaking (kinda bending in half and a string in the middle falling out - flutes don't have strings!), and I think either after that the same happened with a saxophone. The sax possibly even morphed into the flute.

I then seem to remember having a dream where I was in a garden of a stately home. There was something to do with cars here and lots of people turned up through the back gate. Then somehow I had a dream I was on my way out to a club, I remember getting changed somewhere and then getting to the club which may have been through a leisure centre.. and there was hardly anyone there.

Seriously wtf? I don't see how this reflects any of my daily thoughts, they just seem too random! My dreams always tend to be weird and feel very real at the time. My imagination must just run absolutely wild while I sleep!

Certainly food for thought anyway.. ohh, food, I'm still hungry!

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