Inane ramblings of a bored student and aspiring musician. A running commentary on all forms of culture and daily life. Lover of music, art, fashion, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Views expressed here are my own, and will not be apologised for.

Fortunately, the hat above does not belong to me.

Thursday 23 June 2011

No, no, no..

Oh dear, poor poor Amy Winehouse. All gone wrong again hasn't it? Last week, she kicked off her European tour in Serbia.. and in typical style, took to the stage pickled in more spirits than a dead animal in a museum jar. Except this time, her fans were far less forgiving, booing her off stage as she slurred out her words.. at least, I think they were words. Kinda sounded like an incontinent hobo farting after eating curry and chips dropped by a drunk student on their way home from a night out (not that I know what the sounds like.. I can just imagine). And so she cancelled her tour, and is now said to be taking a few more years away from singing to work on herself. Latest reports also suggest she rushed through her 7-day stint in rehab last month to speed things up with her tour. Clearly a bad move.

Seems things aren't too peachy for her ex-hubby Blake Fielder-Civil either, who has just been sentenced to three years behind bars, having been arrested for burglary in February. There's not much else to say on this really is there.. I guess we kind of expect it.

What I really don't get is why these type of young people, with bags or either talent or money, continually throw everything away. Amy Winehouse was, not so many years ago, the single most exciting thing on the British music scene, she had everything; a hit album, an amazing voice, and a reputation as a fantastic performer. But her reputation as a drunk and drug-addict soon took over, and her music was all but forgotten about as her life spiralled out of control on the front pages of every tabloid and gossip magazine.

As for Blake, we can't say much for his talents, other than managing to get through lines of cocaine quicker than a teenage Drew Barrymore. But he was once a spoilt little privileged rich kid, with a well-off family, who soon went off the rails, arguably throwing the once-bright star Winehouse into further turmoil than she'd ever have experienced.

I don't get it, I really don't. These people have everything handed to them on a plate and choose to throw it away. The thing that annoys me most about Amy Winehouse kind of goes hand in hand with my previous post. She could have everything, but she continues to let herself spiral further and further out of control instead of facing her demons and sorting herself out.

Now I'm not usually her biggest fan, but a prime example of somebody who picked herself up following a breakdown and substance/alcohol abuse and worked it out for herself is Britney Spears. Everybody remembers how out of control she got, but she picked herself up, for her children, for her career, and forced herself to get through it. And look at her now! An awesome album, a career back on form, and back at the top of her (autotuned) game. Go Britney!

Not really much else to say today. I just think it's sad that young, talented people who could and should have it all throw it all away for a quick fix. Thank god we've still got Adele, eh?

Anyway, 'til next time :D x

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