Inane ramblings of a bored student and aspiring musician. A running commentary on all forms of culture and daily life. Lover of music, art, fashion, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Views expressed here are my own, and will not be apologised for.

Fortunately, the hat above does not belong to me.

Monday 8 August 2011

My thoughts on the London riots.

By now we've all heard of and seen images of the absolutely terrible riots occuring in London at present. Starting in Tottenham, the rioting has now spread to Hackney, Brixton, Enfield, Lewisham and Peckham, amongst others, and doesn't seem set to stop any time soon. Watching the news headlines and shocking images fly in by the minute, I am absolutely disgusted by the behaviour of the people involved.

You've got to wonder what they think they're achieving. They seem to be battling the police, and yet they're destroying shops, pubs, cars, bus stops. People's livelihoods are being shattered by mindless violence, and for what? It's always that minority of idiots who ruin it for everyone else. It baffles me and has left me shocked and totally saddened as I'm sure it has countless others. I can't even begin to imagine how the residents of London, those with sense and peace who are staying as far away from this idiocy as possible, are feeling right now. We can only hope the police regain control soon and the criminals who are causing so much destruction for no real reason are locked away where they belong.

A lot of people I love and care about live, study and work in London and I hope that for them, and everybody else, peace is restored soon. My thoughts are with you all, please stay safe.

Next topic: Confessions of a glass collector. Check back soon.

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