Inane ramblings of a bored student and aspiring musician. A running commentary on all forms of culture and daily life. Lover of music, art, fashion, and Thomas the Tank Engine. Views expressed here are my own, and will not be apologised for.

Fortunately, the hat above does not belong to me.

Monday 8 August 2011

Things that have pissed me off/upset me this week.

Now I don't talk about celebrity gossip too often. I think there are blogs out there which are better equipped to do so and do it far better, but this week one or two things have pissed me off a bit too much to not mention. Not to step too far out of character however there are a few things in the general news that I feel need mentioning!

First of all, Kelly Osbourne hit the news last week for calling Christina Aguilera a "fat bitch". The Osbourne/Aguilera feud has been going on for years now, and insults have been flung about the celeb world ever since the reality star slammed the powerhouse diva's Christmas album. Kelly said of Christina's look on E! Fashion Police ("stuffed", in the words of cohost/concrete-faced Joan Rivers), "Maybe she's just becoming the fat bitch she was always born to be. I don't know. She was a cunt to me." She continued,
"She called me fat for so many fucking years, so you know what? Fuck you, you're fat too."

Now I won't pick sides. I love Christina Aguilera, she's one of my idols. I also think Kelly Osbourne is fantastic. But surely this just needs dropping now? Sure, it was mildly entertaining back in the early 2000s, as was any MTV fued. But surely, since Kelly complains about being called fat and having her image attacked so much over the years, she would have a little more tact than to sink to that same level and to attack Christina's? Sure, she's put on a bit of weight in the last year or so, but she is by no means fat. What sort of image are you portraying to young girls who now think Christina Aguilera (who is still tiny really!) is fat? The whole thing is pathetic and juvenile. Grow up and bury the hatchet is what I say!

The next bit of celeb news I couldn't fail to mention is Cher Lloyd's spectacular rise to the number 1 spot with her ear-bleedingly bad song "Swagger Jagger". What the hell? Is this really what British music has been reduced to?! The song was widely panned when first heard, but within a couple of weeks has somehow risen to the top of the charts. I don't get it, really, words just fail me. I dread the day I hear that piece of autotuned, self-indulgent crap in a club. "You can't stop looking at me"...? Yes, because you won't get the fuck out of our faces and crawl back under your rock Cher! Be gone child!

That's pretty much all I have to say on celeb news this week. I'll leave the rest to the professionals!

Next topic: My thoughts on the London riots. Check back soon.

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